Major Insights
After interacting with the current Wordpress website and mobile app, many errors during the site creation and customization process were discovered. The following issues are what my UI design aims to fix:
1. Separating profile settings from site-specific settings
2. Inability to create new custom pages. Currently only allows blog posts. Portfolio posts do not show up cross-platform.
3. Difficulty creating new posts. Unspecific upload options and nothing discerning feature images.
4. Malfunction of portfolio vs. blog pages – do not show up as a distinguished page category.
5. Prioritization of customization options. Themes and Media uploads difficult to find.
6. Inability to preview different responsive pages. Leaves app to preview website.
This Wordpress tablet and mobile app design aims to solve the major problems found with the current Wordpress experience. By putting the user first, this redesign takes major insights and develops a more cohesive app strategy for creating Wordpress websites. The redesign maintains the branding and color palette of the Wordpress brand, but the user interface is redesigned to help the user navigate the app easier. The design maintains a sleek design that keeps up with contemporary UI/UX design trends. The new Wordpress expands its capabilities and allows the user to better customize their website by making creating new pages and posts easier. Additionally, customizable options are easier to find and navigate. Overall, the new Wordpress app finds solutions to user insights and makes the web-designing process fit into the simplicity of a phone/tablet app.
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